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The GA particle and its functions

When to use the GA particle

Let's learn more today about the GA particle and its functions!

When we start our Japanese language studies, we often fall into the addiction of associating a single function to each particle of Japanese grammar.

The GA particle and its functions

In my case, I spent a long time believing that the GA particle had the sole function of indicating the position of the subject in Japanese sentences. After some study, I realized that I was completely wrong...

In the previous article about the GA particle, I wrote about some usage tips for this particle. So, in today's article, we're going to look at some of the main functions of the GA particle.

Using the GA particle between two sentences

In many cases, the GA particle can assume the function of conjunction, performing an opposition (or contradiction) between two sentences in Japanese. In these cases, the GA particle can be translated as but, yet, however, yet, or yet.



Cherry blossoms are beautiful, but they don't smell.


This movie is cool, but it's too long. It is not?

In other cases, the GA particle in the middle of sentences in Japanese can only serve as a form of connection between them. Thus, assuming the same function as ours and in Portuguese.



I saw Mount Fuji for the first time yesterday and it was very beautiful.


Mr. Yamada bought a red car... and so did you. He didn't.

Note that the difference between the two cases above is that in the first, the second sentence has an opposite meaning to the first sentence. And in the second case, the second sentence just complements the first sentence.

Adding important information

At the start of some conversations, the GA particle can be used to introduce important information or just draw attention to start the conversation.

Phrases like these are used to remember something, or give information that is very important for understanding the context of the conversation.



My name is Tanaka. Is Mr Yamada at home?


Excuse me, but... Are you Mr. Honda?

The GA particle and incomplete sentences

Although it is a similar concept to the previous item, the difference between incomplete sentences and the sentences above is that incomplete sentences express an implicit idea; one that has not been described in the sentence. Furthermore, this "implicit idea" usually expresses an opinion that is contrary to the sentence that was said.



I went to see Mount Fuji, but... (I didn't see anything).


He used to live in a big house, but... (now he lives in a small house)

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