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Counters to count in Japanese

Contadores para contar em japonês - 一つ
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See where to use the counters to count in japanese!
Contadores para contar em japonês

This time, we will talk about how the Japanese tell the most diverse things in their language and culture.

Unlike us, the Japanese use the numbers in japanese along with an extension to indicate they are counting. So, in addition to the numeral, the Japanese use an indicator of what is being counted. We call this indicator (extension) counters.

Counters to count in Japanese

The big problem for beginners in the Japanese language is that the accountants, in addition to adding more information to the numbers in japanese, can also completely change your reading. This modification in the reading is more common in the first numbers, from one to 10. From eleven onwards, the same formation and reading that we already know prevails.

For example, when we simply use a number we can write only the kanji , but when counting a person, you will need to use the Japanese number with the extension , graduating 一人. If, on the other hand, we want to carry out a count of the most common objects, we will need to use the Japanese numbers with the extension , graduating 一つ.

Because of this kind of thing, it is necessary to analyze well what we are going to count in Japanese and then choose the most appropriate counter for counting. At first, everything may seem a little complicated, but with time and practice counting in Japanese becomes much easier.

See too:
Counting Indicators / Counters in Japanese
fast japanese course

Accountants in Japanese

Below is a table with the main accountants in the Japanese language. As there are numerous accountants, it did not seem to me to be very interesting to write about all of them. If you search, you may find many others out there.

Over time, I will add new counters and explain them accordingly. But I don't think it's cool to put you, my reader friend, on the massive and arduous mission of getting to know all the accountants in the Japanese language.

In the list of counters below, it will be necessary to be careful with the pronunciation of some numbers, since they can change their reading according to the counter used. To facilitate learning, I have highlighted the numbers with modified readings. Just hover over the Japanese symbols to see the pronunciation of each one.

List of counters to count in Japanese
つ – tsu 人 – nin 台 – dai 枚 – mai 匹 – hikki 冊- satsu 個 – ko 本 – hon
1 一つ 一人 一台 一枚 一匹 一冊 一個 一本
2 二つ 二人 二台 二枚 二匹 二冊 二個 二本
3 三つ 三人 三台 三枚 三匹 三冊 三個 三本
4 四つ 四人 四台 四枚 四匹 四冊 四個 四本
5 五つ 五人 五台 五枚 五匹 五冊 五個 五本
6 六つ 六人 六台 六枚 六匹 六冊 六個 六本
7 七つ 七人 七台 七枚 七匹 七冊 七個 七本
8 八つ 八人 八台 八枚 八匹 八冊 八個 八本
9 九つ 九人 九台 九枚 九匹 九冊 九個 九本
10 十つ 十人 十台 十枚 十匹 十冊 十個 十本

A generalist Japanese accountant

How  you will be able to tell many things and be understood by the Japanese. But I must warn you that using this counter for everything does not mean that you are using correct Japanese. This is just a way to make yourself understood by the Japanese, even if you're not using the right terms.

Japanese accountant for people

To count people in Japanese, we will need the kanji . But in this case  will have its pronunciation changed to baby, referencing the people count. Because they are widely used, 一人 and 二人 are two words that are easy to find in Japanese texts.

Counter for fine objects

For the Japanese, fine objects are things like shirts, sheets of paper, plates, plates, cookies, blankets… And for these objects, we use the special counter .

Japanese counter for general machines

To count large objects like cars, wardrobes, closets… We use kanji . The use of this kanji also encompasses counting all sorts of household appliances, such as refrigerators, computers and telephones, etc.

Japanese small animal counter

 is a Japanese language accountant related to small animals such as fish, cat, mouse and many others.

In counting small animals, we just need to be careful when counting rabbits and birds. In these cases the most correct counter would be . To count large animals like horses, oxen, cows, etc.; we usually use the counter .

Japanese counter for fine objects

the kanji  It is widely used to count thin and elongated objects such as pencils, pens, trees, etc. The most curious thing about this counter was to realize that it was also used to count video tapes and telephone calls.

Japanese printed material counter

 is a counter used for practically all types of printed material like books, magazines, pamphlets, handouts and everything else.

Japanese counter for small objects

When we need to count small or compact objects, usually rounded, we use the counter . With it, we can count apples, oranges, lemons, stones, croquettes and the like.

How to count in Japanese using counters

To finish off today's article, let's see some examples on how to use counters to count in Japanese. From what I can tell, the best sentence pattern to use is: noun +  + number + counter.





Note that it is not necessary to use Japanese numbers only in kanji, the Japanese also understand our Hindu-Arabic numerals. Because of this, it is common to find quantities written with our numbers instead of kanji.

Finally, when reading or counting in Japanese, be careful not to confuse the kanji.  (book) with accountant , despite using the same Japanese symbol, they represent very different ideas.

Kanji calligraphy exercise

Below are the Japanese ideographic symbols used in this article. Selecting the desired kanji, copy and paste them into Worksheet for Kana and Kanji Practice , a new window will open where you can view the printable file and practice Japanese calligraphy by covering the gray symbols and then trying to write yourself. Just print and practice

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