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The family of R in katakana

The family of R in katakana

Meet the family of R in katakana and the stroke order in your writing!

The family of R in katakana

RA = ラ

For me, the katakana RA is half a bowl full of manioc (cassava for some). The first line is the cassava tree and the second line forms the half of the bowl. The last syllable of the word cassava is what resembles the sound of the RA symbol.

RI = リ

The katakana RI was based on its hiragana (り) version. The most common way in this case is to associate katakana in the same way as hiragana, remembering that katakana is a simplified version of hiragana and has more rectangular lines.

RU = ル

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Neste katakana podemos ver um ninja e um anzol. O ninja usa o anzol para pescar romãs num rio sagrado do japão. Para me lembrar do som deste símbolo eu distorço o som do “ro” da palavra “romãns” para “ru” ficando “rumãns” quando imagino a cena na tela da minha imaginação.

RE = レ

If in katakana RU we have a ninja and a hook, in RE we only have one hook. They say that when someone uses this hook, he can catch anything at sea. The fish do not resist its magical power and end up trapped, making it extremely easy for fishermen to win any fishing championship. Again I distort the “re” of “resist” to recall the sound of this katakana.

RO = ロ

Para mim, o katakana Ro é uma roda quadrada usado pelos carros de última geração. O difícil é agüentar o balanço ao andar num carro com esse tipo de roda. ( hehe ). Eu nem preciso mencionar que também distorci o “ro” de “roda” para que, ao lembrar da história, eu lembre do som deste caracter japonês. Não é?

Japanese calligraphy exercise

Select the Japanese alphabet symbols and click the Generate button in the Worksheet for Kana and Kanji Practice . Then a new window will open with the file for printing. Then just print it out, cover the gray katakana symbols and then try to write it yourself. Just print and practice!

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