When to use the GA particle
Deciding when to use the GA particle or any other particle is not a matter of following a rule. The answer to this question depends on many factors used in the construction of sentences and other particles.
Deciding when to use the GA particle or any other particle is not a matter of following a rule. The answer to this question depends on many factors used in the construction of sentences and other particles.
Learn more about the WA particle and its use in the Japanese language! The は particle is one of the fundamental particles of the Japanese language. It is critical because it can be found in over 80% of Japanese phrases.
Learn more about fundamental Japanese grammar for you nihongo student! In today's article, we will understand some of the fundamentals of the Japanese language, understanding the formation of simple sentences. Basic Japanese Grammar The content of
In today's article, we will get to know the mashou form of Japanese verbs. A verb conjugation that I have used several times on this site. It is a very common expression in the Japanese language and is widely used to
Just below learn how to allow and prohibit in Japanese! Generally speaking, both Japanese phrases for asking permission and Japanese phrases for prohibiting some action use a mixture of the verbs