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SRS – Spaced Repetition System

spaced repetition system


SRS – Spaced Repetition System, also known as SRS, is a learning technique that uses time gaps between reviews of the same content already studied.

This means that in order to learn something you studied today and never forget it, you will need to carry out periodic reviews over longer and longer periods of time.

So the first revisions happen at hourly intervals, then at day intervals, then at intervals of weeks, months, and years.

SRS – Spaced Repetition System

In today's article, we're going to talk a little about how the Spaced Repetition System works and how to use this system to learn Japanese more efficiently and effectively.

How does an SRS (Spaced Repetition System) work?

It is already a real and known fact that people forget things. And this is a natural process of our brain, working as a defense mechanism when selecting important and disposable information.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if we remembered everything all the time? I think I would go crazy.

When receiving an avalanche of information, our mind is forced to select which information will be memorized and which will be forgotten.

Subconsciously, the brain uses various criteria to select and organize the information that will be stored for future memories.

Some of the best known criteria are the remarkable facts of our lives and everything that we find interesting.

Even with its selection criteria, some even adequate, the brain is not very good at selecting what is important and what should be forgotten.

Another aggravating factor is that this process occurs subconsciously and not consciously.

Repeating and revising so as not to forget

When we study a subject at school or elsewhere and don't revise it, we tend to forget most of what we learn.

On the other hand, at the time of a review, we recall the subject studied and the subject becomes more vivid in memory.

Therefore, the more we use new information, the longer it will stay in memory and not be forgotten.

This is the key point of the Spaced Repetition System (SRS). This technique uses periodic reviews to force the brain to classify the reviewed information as important, storing it in memory so that it does not forget even after a long period of time without using that information.

How to know the right time range to review?

Many scholars in learning techniques, teachers and psychologists have different conclusions on the subject.

Despite this, the general consensus is to start reviewing the material studied at short intervals and increase the time interval to longer intervals between one review and another.

Does SRS (Spaced Repetition System) only work with FlashCards?

Many people confuse SRS with FlashCards, but one thing can work perfectly without the other. The basis of everything is to create questions that remember the main concepts of what we learned.

Como uma das formas mais comuns de fazer isso é usando FlashCards, o SRS – Spaced Repetition System virou quase um sinônimo de FlashCards.

Why use an SRS to learn Japanese?

The process of learning a new language, be it Japanese or not, demands a lot from our memory. The process of learn japanese it is almost to memorize new words and grammatical structures.

Therefore, using the Spaced Repetition System (SRS) technique can be a way to considerably improve vocabulary retention and japanese grammar.

In addition, there are other advantages of using an SRS to learn Japanese that are worth mentioning:

The Disadvantages of Using an SRS to Learn Japanese

Like any learning technique, the Spaced Repetition System (SRS) also has its drawbacks.

Where to find SRS programs?

If you are curious and want to use some SRS program to learn Japanese, I recommend taking a look at the programs below. They are very good and widely used by hundreds of students of Japanese and other languages.


Nowadays the Spaced Repetition System (SRS) is widely used by language students and several other areas of knowledge.

Eu mesmo já utilizo o sistema SRS – Spaced Repetition System há algum tempo é tem sido muito bom para o meu aprendizado de Japanese language.


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