When to use the GA particle

When to use the GA particle

Deciding when to use the GA particle or any other particle is not a matter of following a rule. The answer to this question depends on many factors used in the construction of sentences and other particles.

The Japanese symbols of Jouyou kanji

learn japanese symbols jouyou kanji

As many readers may already know, Japanese symbols are ideograms that represent ideas, not words. Because of this, the same Japanese symbol can be translated with different words and meanings. for representing thoughts

Free Japanese Course - Study Guide

How to form sentences in Japanese

See here the complete list of posts published for the Free Japanese Course – Study Guide! This page serves as a study guide for the Japanese Language Free Japanese Course, where

How to use Japanese alphabet

hiragana katakana japanese alphabet

At the beginning of their studies, many people have doubts about how Japanese texts are written using hiragana, katakana and kanji. Although some doubts are not very easy to clarify, I will try to solve many

Basic particles in Japanese

Basic particles in Japanese - 彼は日本人です。

Meet and learn more about basic particles in Japanese! Particles are small grammatical elements, usually written using a single syllable of the Japanese alphabet in hiragana, and do not have a specific translation. The function of particles