The T's Family in Katakana

The T's Family in Katakana

Meet the T family in katakana and the stroke order in your writing! The T family in katakana タ = TA The katakana TA is a crooked capital letter A.チ =

K's family in katakana

K's family in katakana

Learn more about the K family in katakana and stroke order! K's family in katakana カ = KA For those who haven't read the series learning hiragana II, the symbol

the vowels of katakana

the vowels of katakana

Learn katakana vowels and their stroke order! As mentioned in Japanese alphabet lessons in hiragana, the method I am using to learn is the same as found in books like Kanjis Mnemonics

Hiragana vowel extension

Hiragana vowel extension

Find out now when a Vowel Extension occurs in hiragana! Like double consonants, prolonged vowels avoid communication problems, as they can generate different meanings from very similar words. For example: おばさん

The double consonants in hiragana

The double consonants in hiragana

Learn more about double consonants in hiragana and their use now! Although not as noticeable in many Japanese courses, this is a part of learning that I consider very important, as disrespect