Japanese lyrics for free download

Below is a list of many free downloadable Japanese fonts or letters.

This site page was created for people who like to style their Japanese texts with custom Japanese letters. So I made a selection of japanese fonts that I like best to make available on this page.

Whenever I find more Japanese letters, I will update this page with new fonts.

Japanese lyrics for free download

If you still don't know how to install and remove Japanese letters on your computer, I suggest you read the guide I prepared on the subject.

Japanese letters MS Mincho

Japanese lyrics ms mincho - Japanese lyrics for free download

The Japanese font MS Mincho is a typeface widely used by websites. In addition, it was the Japanese letter used to write the articles in the Japanese Language. MS Mincho has a more artistic and characteristic format of the Japanese in relation to the MS Gothic font. In addition, it is also widely used in the area of Graphic Design and WebDesign.

Japanese letter Ms Mincho free download.

MS Ghotic Japanese Letters

ms ghotic japanese letters

The Japanese font MS Gothic is also one of the Japanese letters used to write the articles on this site. As promised, I'm making the two main Japanese lyrics available for free download. With these two Japanese fonts, ms mincho and ms ghotic, you will be able to see Japanese and even Chinese letters from many websites on the internet.

Free japanese lyric download Ms Ghotic

Japanese letters Anzu or APJapaneseFont

anzu apjapanesefont japanese lyrics

These Japanese lyrics are pretty cool. The more drawn format of this font fits more with a handwritten letter. It was one of the most interesting Japanese fonts I've found so far.

Free download Japanese lyrics Anzu or ApJapaneseFont

Japanese letters with stroke order

Japanese letters with stroke order

Browsing the internet, I found a set of Japanese letters containing the stroke order. As they are true type fonts, they can be used on any computer.

Then just find an interesting kanji on the internet, copy and paste it into Word or your favorite text editor, and then change the font formatting to Japanese letters with stroke order.

In some cases, to see the numbers that indicate the order of Japanese letters, you need to increase the font size. So you can figure out how to write most kanji.

Free download japanese letters with stroke order.

Japanese lyrics S2G Love

Japanese lyrics s2g love

What caught my attention most about these Japanese lyrics was the relaxed way in which they were created. Her author used and abused many hearts, to enhance this Japanese font. I believe it will be very successful among the readers of this site.

Japanese lyrics free download S2G Love

Japanese Nagrigaki lyrics

nagrigaki japanese letters

It's just plain Japanese cursive lettering. I didn't find anything different in it, compared to the other Japanese letters on this site.

Free download japanese nagurigaki lyrics.

Japanese lyrics SanaFonkaku

sanafonkaku japanese lyrics

SanaFonkaku is a cursive Japanese letter similar to Nagurigaki, only lighter and with thinner strokes.

Sanafonkaku japanese lyrics free download.

Japanese letter MT_TARE

mt tare japanese letters

This is a very strange Japanese cursive letter, with thin and very sinuous strokes.

Free download of Japanese letters MT_TARE.

Japanese letter YS handy writting

Japanese lyrics ys handy writing

As the name of this Aponese letter suggests, it is a cursive letter, but with polygonal strokes. That is, with more square lines.

Ys Handy Writing Japanese Lyrics Free Download.