How to learn Japanese using Anki

Let's learn now how to learn Japanese using Anki step by step! Anki is a free tool to learn languages based on the SRS (Spaced Repetition System), aiming to review everything we learn to guarantee more quality in

SRS - Spaced Repetition System

spaced repetition system

SRS – Spaced Repetition System, also known as SRS, is a learning technique that uses time gaps between revisions of the same content already studied. This means that to learn something you studied today

Remembering the kanji and the Heisig method

Remembering the kanji or Heisig method

Many of Língua Japonesa's readers will already be familiar with Remembering the kanji and the heisig method, but as a large proportion of this site's readers are beginners, I've decided to try and help out

The Japanese symbols of Jouyou kanji

learn japanese symbols jouyou kanji

As many readers may already know, Japanese symbols are ideograms that represent ideas, not words. Because of this, the same Japanese symbol can be translated with different words and meanings. for representing thoughts