Particles for the end of sentences in Japanese

Particles for the end of sentences in Japanese

Learn more about Particles to the end of Japanese sentences! I was studying Japanese sentence ending using particles and I discovered some very interesting basic particles. Particles to the end of

The treatment pronouns in Japanese

The treatment pronouns in Japanese - ちゃん

Learn more about treatment pronouns in Japanese! There are numerous treatment pronouns in Japanese. Most of them serve to specify the level of relationship between two or more people. The treatment pronouns in

How to use adjectives in Japanese

How to use adjectives in Japanese - それは青い本ですか?

Learn now how to use adjectives in Japanese! According to Japanese grammar, adjectives in Japanese can be used in many different ways, however the most common uses are before and after adjectives.

The adjectives in Japanese

The adjectives na in Japanese - 大切な本です

Learn more about adjectives in Japanese now! In the previous articles about adjectives in Japanese, we understood the types of adjectives and the inflections of Japanese adjectives い. In today's article we will know the push-ups

The adjectives i in Japanese

The adjectives i in Japanese - 新しいボール

Let's now get to know the adjectives i in Japanese! As we already know the adjectives in Japanese superficially, the time has come to delve a little deeper into the subject of Japanese adjectives. It is at this point that Japanese grammar