the future tense in japanese

the future tense in japanese

Learn about the future tense in Japanese! I have already commented several times during the articles in the Japanese Language, that there is no verb conjugation for the future tense in Japanese. This intrigues many students about the way

adverbs in japanese

adverbs in japanese

Learn more about adverbs in Japanese with examples! Many may already know that adverbs are invariable words that modify or add meaning to verbs and adjectives. Japanese adverbs can indicate time, frequency, and various

Masu form of Japanese verbs

Masu form of Japanese verbs

Discover the masu form of Japanese verbs! If in the previous article we discovered an informal mood of Japanese verbs, in today's article we will get to know the formal mood, which in Japanese is called the masu form. Form

The informal way of verbs in Japanese

The informal way of verbs in Japanese

Learn the informal way of Japanese verbs now! The simple form of a verb in Japanese would be something very close to the infinitive of verbs in Portuguese. That is, this is the most primitive form

The verbs aru and iru in Japanese

The verbs aru and iru in Japanese

Learn more about the verbs aru and iru in Japanese! The verbs ある and いる are two Japanese verbs that have the same meaning and can be used in the same way. The basic difference between these two verbs