Prolongation of vowels in katakana

Prolongation of vowels in katakana

Learn more about vowel extensions in katakana more examples! Vowel prolongation in katakana Vowel prolongation in katakana is much simpler than in hiragana. All extensions are performed using

The double consonants in katakana

The double consonants in katakana

Learn more about double consonants in katakana and how to pronounce them! Double consonants in katakana If you've read the article on double consonants in hiragana, you'll see that in katakana everything works the same

katakana accent

katakana accent

Learn more about katakana accentuation and stroke order in your writing! Katakana accent Like the Japanese alphabet in hiragana, katakana also has graphic accents. These accents modify the

The family of R in katakana

The family of R in katakana

Meet the R family in katakana and the stroke order in your writing! The R family in katakana RA = ラ For me, the katakana RA is half a bowl