How to read and write numbers in Japanese easily?

Here's how to read numbers in Japanese even if they are large quantities! Hello students of this wonderful language! Well, from the title you already know what we're going to talk about here, so let's get down to business! Many students struggle with numbers.

Japanese numbers from 1 to 20

Japanese numbers

Easily learn to count numbers in Japanese from 1 to 20. One of the first things that comes to our mind when we are learning a language is undoubtedly learning to count from 1 to 20.

Windows IME - Writing Japanese with the Mouse

windows ime tips

Windows IME Full Article – Writing Japanese with the Mouse! When it comes to Windows IME, writing Japanese on the PC is not synonymous with just using the keyboard. But also use the mouse to

Japanese numbers with kanji

Japanese numbers with kanji

Learn Japanese numbers with kanji from 1 to greater than a hundred and a thousand! Japanese numbers are represented by a series of kanji, the Japanese characters. In the not too distant past, the symbols