Japanese Font and Letters Managers

Meet the Japanese font and letter managers for your PC! In the previous topics, we saw that we need to perform some procedures to install and uninstall Japanese letters on windows safely and use a file

What are Japanese computer fonts or letters

The double consonants in katakana

All letters or characters available on our computer are called fonts. But in the Japanese language, I amicably call them Japanese letters. These fonts, or Japanese letters, exist on our computer so that

How to use Japanese letters on the computer

japanese letter msmincho

I don't know how many of you are new users in the field of technology and computers, but as I have received some emails asking how to see Japanese letters on the computer and how to install these types of files.

Free Japanese lessons in videos on Japoneando


Japoneando is a video-based blog, where its administrators teach free Japanese video lessons to anyone interested in the Japanese language. Japoneando – great resources of free Japanese lessons in videos O