The TO particle in Japanese

The TO particle in Japanese

Learn more about the TO particle in Japanese now! The Japanese particle to is another particle well known to students of Japanese. Its most common function is simply to put together lists of Japanese nouns or even phrases. Unlike other Japanese particles,

The most common words in anime and manga

The most common words in anime and manga

Visto que muitos leitores me pediram para escrever artigos sobre vocabulário japonês, pensei que seria um bom começo escrever sobre as palavras mais comuns em animes e mangás, uma vez que a maioria das pessoas que estuda

the NI particle in Japanese

the NI particle in Japanese

Learn more about the Japanese NI particle in its main uses in NIHONGO! The particle ni is one of the most functional particles in Japanese grammar. It can be used to indicate existence and location, direction of

the japanese calendar

The Japanese Calendar - Japanese Eras

The Japanese calendar, in its original form, does not count the years like our Gregorian calendar. The traditional Japanese calendar is based on eras, where the count is reset whenever one era ends and another begins.

The MO particle in Japanese

The mo particle - も

In Japanese, the most common function of the particle mo is to indicate a kind of similarity between words in the same sentence. According to Japanese grammar, the particle mo can replace other particles in parallel sentences, putting two words on end.