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M's family in katakana

M's family in katakana

Meet M's family in katakana and the stroke order in your writing!

M's family in katakana

MA = マ

Every time I look at the katakana MA, the image of a boat hitting rocks forms in my mind. The first two dashes are the front of the boat and the last dash is the rock where the boat hit. Then just remember that boats are made for sailing in the Sea. The word MAR serves to remember the sound of this katakana. Below is the order of the strokes.

MI = ミ

In the same way that the HA katakana uses the eight kanji, the MI katakana uses the three numeral kanji. the numeral three in japanese can be pronounced like mi or, in some cases, like mitsu. Interestingly, this same word appears in the logo formed by three diamonds from the MITSUBISH.

I recommend memorizing this katakana using the kanji for number three in Japanese. Just imagine that it is Roman numeral III (lying) asleep for three thousand years. The order of the strokes follows.

MU = ム

To learn this katakana, a little attention is needed. It is very common to confuse MU(ム) with MA(マ). Mu reminds me of the number four. Furthermore, MA traces are written in different directions (right, left and right) when compared to MU (left, right, right).

Now imagine a white numeral four(4) with black spots and lowing like a cow. SOOOO! (hehe) This one was really forced… Below is the order of the strokes.

ME = メ

The ME symbol always reminds me of a sword dragging on the ground. The noise of metal tearing through the floor always gives me the creeps. To this day I don't understand why this sound makes me like this, but the same sound sounds like ME.

MO = モ

MO pode ser algo parecido com um “E” à primeira vista, mas para mim ainda é uma orelha de cachorro com dois brincos ( argolas na orelha ). So que a orelha desse cachorro em katakana é quadrada. Isso lembra alguma coisa? Isso! The hiragana MO (も).

We went through one more katakana family. Remember that the goal is to have an easier way to remember the studied symbols. If the stories I'm telling aren't clear enough to make it easier to remember the symbols, don't waste time trying to memorize it, create your own story and comment. Share with us your difficulties, victories and ways of learning. How is everything?

Japanese calligraphy exercise

Select the Japanese alphabet symbols and click the Generate button in the Worksheet for Kana and Kanji Practice . Then a new window will open with the file for printing. Then just print it out, cover the gray katakana symbols and then try to write it yourself. Just print and practice!

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