More free Japanese lessons in videos

See a selection of more free japanese lessons in videos!

Those who don't have many resources to invest in Japanese classes, books or any source of study to increase vocabulary end up depending on the internet.

For those who already have a good knowledge of the Japanese language, this is great, but for those who are starting to learn Japanese, this can be a great difficulty.

More free Japanese lessons in videos

In order to reduce this difficulty, I started to recommend sites with free Japanese classes that I found on the internet, such as NHK nihongo course it's the Japanese, which publish free Japanese video lessons for anyone who wants to learn Japanese.

Today, I'm sharing readers' tips Felipe Nascimento from the blog Half Cooked and Eremylto Silva, who sent me two more sites with free Japanese video lessons for everyone.

Hello Nihongo – Free Cartoon Japanese Lessons

I had already heard about the Japanese classes on the site Open door, but had never stopped to consider the matter.

The animations on this site were created to address common situations in our daily lives. And just like the NHK nihongo course, these Japanese lessons could save your skin someday.

There are thirteen well-crafted animations filled with interesting phrases to learn and use in everyday life.

As these videos were created for people who live in Japan, they have a more advanced level and not recommended for beginners.

To understand it well, it is necessary to know at least the hiragana and katakana japanese alphabet.

Free Japanese lessons on Youtube

The website published an interesting article with several free Japanese lessons on Youtube. After observing the classes, I noticed that the videos pointed to the same YouTube channel.

In this channel you will find a series of very varied Japanese classes. Apparently, Anzinha (the owner of the channel) managed to gather a series of Japanese video lessons, advertisements and interesting Japanese videos to watch and study.

It is worth knowing the Youtube channel of Anzinha Assakawa and check out the various videos she has put together.


Although some sites are not recommended for beginners, I believe that anyone with an interest (whether beginner or not) has the ability to make good use of the indications in this article.

No matter your level of Japanese, with a little bit of patience, you can get a lot of good from these sites.

I would like to thank the Japanese-speaking readers who are submitting topic and article suggestions for the site. Some of the suggestions will need research, but I guarantee they are all scheduled and will soon turn into articles published on this site.

Thank you all for your participation and suggestions.