Jisho – Free and Online Japanese Dictionary

For those who understand a little English, or don't mind putting in a little more effort, the Jisho Japanese Dictionary can be a good place to find the meaning of kanji and words in

Counters to count in Japanese

Counters to count in Japanese - 一つ

Here's where to use counters to count in Japanese! This time, we will talk about how the Japanese tell the most diverse things in their language and culture. Unlike us, the Japanese use numbers in

The TE form of Japanese verbs

The TE form of Japanese verbs - て

Learn more about the TE form of Japanese verbs! Today we are going to learn about the て form of Japanese verbs. The form て is interesting because it does not indicate a tense by itself, but combined with other verbs,

the future tense in japanese

the future tense in japanese

Learn about the future tense in Japanese! I have already commented several times during the articles in the Japanese Language, that there is no verb conjugation for the future tense in Japanese. This intrigues many students about the way

adverbs in japanese

adverbs in japanese

Learn more about adverbs in Japanese with examples! Many may already know that adverbs are invariable words that modify or add meaning to verbs and adjectives. Japanese adverbs can indicate time, frequency, and various