Japanese numbers from 1 to 20

Japanese numbers

Easily learn to count numbers in Japanese from 1 to 20. One of the first things that comes to our mind when we are learning a language is undoubtedly learning to count from 1 to 20.

Google Input Tools

Google Input Tools

One of the many ways to help and retain what we learn is, of course, writing in the language we are studying, whether on paper or on a computer. I already passed this tip in a post I wrote

5 sites to learn Japanese


When learning nihongo, it is essential that we look for several sources of content that can help accelerate our language studies. For those who decided to learn Japanese on their own and use the internet to find materials

write in japanese on windows


We've already shown you a little bit about how to learn the Japanese language and its alphabet, but wouldn't it be nice to start writing in Japanese on Windows? Contrary to what many think, it is very simple to configure to