Free Nihongo Course at NHK World Online

Japanese course, free audio and text | NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN

Another source of studies for you with a free nihongo course at NHK World Online! Online nihongo courses are hard to find. In most cases they are basic courses and involve

Free download of Japanese calligraphy with kanji

Four Tips for Learning to Write Japanese

Improve your writing by downloading free Japanese calligraphy with kanji! Some readers asked me to make the site's Japanese calligraphy available online in the form of handouts, to download and practice at home. In addition, also

The Japanese MADE Particle

The Japanese particle made is a very common particle in Japanese sentences. It usually establishes a sense of limit, be it temporal, spatial or quantitative (quantities). In most Japanese texts, the particle made has one or two

The most common words in anime and manga – VI

The most common words in anime and manga

Check out another post about the most common words in anime and manga – VI of this series! All words in this series of articles were chosen at random. Therefore, there is no basis or sequence.

The most common words in anime and manga – V

The most common words in anime and manga

Check out another article about the most common words in anime and manga – V of the series! All words in this series of articles were chosen at random. Therefore, there is no basis or sequence.