Discover the different types and the various faces of origami!
Like all art that develops for a long time, the origami gained new techniques and ways of folding.
Furthermore, with the use of cuts and collages, the range of creative possibilities has become even greater.
Among so many techniques and modalities, the ones that most caught my attention were Kusudama, Modular, Bill Folding, Aerogami, Oribana and Kirigami.
Article Summary
Bill Folding
the origami masters
Where can I find more information about origami?
Let's get to know one by one for you to understand better.
The modular origami

An origami is called modular when it is built from several pieces.
Thus, the origamist folds small pieces and then fits them together, forming the desired origami.
This technique is often used to create large and complex origami.
The origami Kusudama

Kusudama is a form of origami created as an ornament for parties and special occasions.
It makes use of the modular origami technique to allow the introduction of aromatic herbs into its interior.
In its beginnings, the origami kusudama was associated with healing and medicinal herbs, because of that, it ended up earning this name.
Kuso, which means medicine, and lady, which means ball.
The origami Bill Folding

Also known as Dollar Bill Folding origami, this form of origami involves using bills of money to create your own pieces of art.
It seems to me that she became very popular in the United States and then took over the world.
I think it goes without saying that practitioners of this modality avoid cutting and gluing their papers...
The origami Aerogami

This is my favorite origami modality, mainly because it involves fun after the act of folding.
To be clearer, aerogami is about creating aerodynamic parts that allow you to fly or float.
Good examples of aerogami are small boats and paper planes. A very interesting motto of aerogamists is “Bend, you have to fly”.
The Kirigami origami

Kirigami is a variation of traditional origami that aims to build three-dimensional models.
It is widely used by the real estate industry to build miniature buildings and houses.
In addition, practitioners of this art also create pieces from famous places, valuing the visual quality and quantity of details in each item created.
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The Japanese alphabet Hiragana and Katakana
Numbers in Japanese from 1 to 20
the origami oribana

As if there was no shortage of origami versions, the Japanese combined the techniques of ikebana, the art of creating flower arrangements, with origami.
From this junction, flower arrangements made on paper were born.
the origami masters
When talking about origami, I could not fail to mention the great masters in the art of paper folding.
As there are many masters and I cannot say exactly which one is the best known, I will leave only three of the ones that I found the most information. I just hope I'm not doing any injustice.
Akira Yoshizawa
It is said that when he was a child, a neighbor made him a paper boat. But when he returned home, his brothers dismantled the little boat.
Even though he was upset about the situation, Akira Yoshizawa tried to fold it again following the marks on the paper.
I don't know if he did it, but I know that from that moment on, Akira's interest in origami increased and he ended up becoming one of the great masters in this art, having published books on origami in several languages.
Makoto Yamaguchi
Makoto was born in Tokyo, around 1944, but only forty-five years later, in 1989, he began to stand out as one of the great masters and professionals of origami.
Mokoto created an origami house, the Gallarey Origami House. A physical establishment where books, papers and lots of information about origami can be found.
Like Akira, Makoto also joined the British origami society.
Satoshi Kamiya
Satoshi is considered one of the most advanced masters in the art of origami.
He has been creating folding since he was two years old, and today his origami stand out for their complexity.
Kamiya has created dragons with more than 275 steps and that need a 52cm paper.
In addition, he also created all kinds of animal parts such as whales, mammoths, dinosaurs and saber-tooth tigers.
Where can I find more information about origami?
If you're curious about the subject, or want to start your career as an origami artist, I'll leave you some links that can help you create origami pieces.
I highlighted these sites for the amount of content on the subject, mainly for the illustrations, videos and the amount of updates for their visitors.
Also, if you do a YouTube search, you will find a lot of interesting stuff about origami.
A list of various origami websites.
An article about an art exhibition created with paper. I'm not sure if it's origami, but it's worth spending some of your time observing the impressive technique and creativity of these professionals.
Image credits belong to Nanimo, fdecomite, Eli K Hayasaka, J0nB0n, erect, Crackpot Papercraft, David Yu and Veronica Jamkojian.