Learn it how to add audio to Anki with AwesomeTTS!
that the anki is the most powerful app, both mobile and computer, for learning a new language or anything else by memorizing efficiently we all already know.
But how can I make the most of its potential? Is there an easier way to add audio to our letters?
These and other questions can be answered with hundreds of plugins/extensions for this excellent application that help our Japanese language studies or any other language.
Article Summary
Add audio to anki with AwesomeTTS plugin
AwesomeTTS Translators List
book How to say everything in Japanese
As already shown here in an article, we can add audio, images to facilitate when we study the cards, because our memory works better associating with something, mainly visual.
With all the features available in the anki application, it is much easier and more pleasant to study with it.
One of the coolest features is to add audio so you can hear how a certain word/sentence is pronounced and still gain the opportunity to make more input.
Although I've already shown you how to do it manually (it's a lot of work to put audio in each sentence) wouldn't it be good, besides we don't need to download the audio, do it in an automated way?
Automatically adding audio to anki with AwesomeTTS plugin
as the AwesomeTTS plugin you can do this automatically, the best is not to search for anything or download, the plugin does it automatically!
Watch the video below to get to know it better:
Remembering that for those who haven't noticed, you need a code to search and install AwesomeTTS on your anki and it is 301952613.
Note When adding and generating the audio (see the video) if you choose Front and Front in “Fields and Handing” (popup that opens when adding an audio to a letter) the audio will be uttered before seeing the answer, that is, when you view the letter.
Although it's a good way to save time for you, it ends up getting a bit robotic, as we know that Google translator is not very good at pronouncing sentences/phrases, as it says all the words in the same intonation.
See too:
The Japanese Alphabet Hiragana and Katakana
the japanese calendar
AwesomeTTS Translators List
Below, see what options this anki plugin makes available for you to choose in which voice/site to use to add audio to your letter:
- down.ie
- Baidu translate
- collins
- Duden
- Fluency.nl
- Google Translate
- howjsay
- ImTranslator
- ispeech
- Microsoft Speech API
- Microsoft Speech API JScript
- Naver Translate
- Neo Speech
- oddcast
- Oxford Dictionary
- SpanishDict
- VoiceText
- Wikitionary
- Yandex.Translate
- Youdao Dictionary
book How to say everything in Japanese
There are cases where you buy a book and there is an audio CD in it or it is even possible to download it from the publisher's official website, as an example we can cite the book How to Say Everything in Japanese on which may or may not come with the audio CD of all sentences.
But if you don't come, you can download it from the publisher's website, creating a record.
Now you have no more excuses for not adding audios to your anki letters, take the opportunity to do it with the English language too if you are studying it.
Source: Street-Smart Language Learning