Free Japanese lessons in videos on Japoneando

Japanese is a video-based blog where its administrators teach free Japanese lessons on video to anyone interested in the Japanese language.

Japanese - great resources of free Japanese lessons in videos

Japoneando - great resources of free Japanese lessons in videos

What struck me most about the site was that the Japanese lessons were short and very instructive. In just a few minutes, the instructors (a man who speaks Spanish and two Japanese women) are able to express many Japanese language topics in a very relaxed way.

Japanese classes are taught in the language of our "hermanos", but you can understand a lot of the lessons without needing to know Spanish. For students of Japanese who are just starting out and don't know much English, this can be an interesting study option.

Although I didn't explore much, I found the free Japanese lessons of japoneando are great for acquiring a basic vocabulary, as well as being able to understand many important points of the Japanese language that are not so easy to understand through texts.

See too:
free japanese course
Learn how to draw anime characters!
Quick online Japanese course!

In the future, I hope that lessons on more complex parts of the Japanese language will be added to the site, as well as options for downloading Japanese lessons as videos. This would be great for offline study and revision.

In any case, don't waste any time and visit the site to learn more with free Japanese video lessons!

Click here to visit japoneando's website.