Useful time phrases in Japanese

Useful time phrases in Japanese

Learn some useful Japanese time phrases for your everyday life! I thought it would be nice to round off the articles on Japanese time with some useful phrases for everyday life. I've also added

When to read a kanji in Onyomi or Kunyomi?

When to read a kanji in Onyomi or Kunyomi?

Do you have questions to know when reading is a kanji in Onyomi or Kunyomi? This article can help you! The purpose of this article is not to show you a rule of when and how to read a kanji. So

Mouth, sun, moon and eyes in kanji

Mouth, sun, moon and eyes in kanji

Learn the kanji mouth, sun, moon and eyes strokes! As I said before, I'm posting more kanji that I'm learning. If you have any questions or criticisms about how to study this blog, please do not hesitate to comment. this is great