Kore Sore Are (これ それ あれ)


Learn more about demonstrative pronouns and where to use them in Japanese, which are; Kore Sore Are (これ それ あれ) that usually indicate objects.

Watch netflix from Japan

netflix from japan

Learn how to watch Netflix Japan or titles with Japanese subtitles! It's a little tricky to find Japanese dramas to watch on your computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. Now imagine with Japanese subtitles

Learn Japanese with Busuu


Learning a new language doesn't have to be a boring and tedious thing, sites like bussu understand this and promise to bring a way to help you learn a new language in a fun way every time.

Download audio from Text to Speech website

text to speech

We've talked a few times about the importance of getting a lot of input into the language we're studying, be it Japanese or any other. It can be by means of phrases that have audios, thus making it possible to listen and