How to add furigana in microsoft word

How to add furigana in microsoft word

Learn how to add furigana in Microsoft Word! In the last few days, I've noticed some very interesting things about the windows IME integration, the windows japanese support, and the Microsoft Word word processor. Until then,

Add furigana with hiragana megane

hiragana megane

Add furigana with hiragana megane to your favorite website! Add furigana with hiragana megane For those who don't like to use Mozilla Firefox and its plugins (furigana injector) to add furigana on the web, a good one

Furigana injector – Add furigana on the web

Furigana injector – Add furigana to the web with this firefox plugin! Furigana Injector is a plugin for the Mozilla Firefox web browser that inserts hiragana characters on the screen, making it easier to read unfamiliar Japanese symbols.

Four Tips for Learning to Write Japanese

Four Tips for Learning to Write Japanese

Many students have the difficulty of trying to write in Japanese and end up with a bunch of squiggles or deformed Japanese symbols. That was my problem for a long time. As some language readers

How to write your name in Japanese

How to write your name in Japanese

Want to learn how to write your name in Japanese? See how it would look if converted to Japanese symbols! Due to the huge amount of requests to write a name in Japanese, I decided to create an article about the