Relating nouns in Japanese

Relating nouns in Japanese

The most common ways to express the relationship between two or more nouns in Japanese is by using the particle の between them. Relating Nouns in Japanese The particle の normally indicates three basic ideas: possession, origin and specialization.

Desu – The verb to be in Japanese

Desu - The verb to be in Japanese

Learn more about Desu – The verb to be in Japanese! The verbs in Japanese are something quite different from the concept of verbs existing in the Portuguese language. Desu – The verb to be in Japanese One of the

The subject of Japanese sentences

Learn more about the subject of Japanese sentences in nihongo! As we have already studied the word order in Japanese sentences, we know that they have an inverse organization of words in Portuguese. in the sentences in

Personal Pronouns in Japanese

Personal Pronouns in Japanese

Learn more about personal pronouns in Japanese! First of all, the Japanese love hierarchies and highly value this sort of thing. Because of this, the Japanese language has many words with the same meaning with different uses.

How to write the year in Japanese

How to write the year in Japanese

Learn now how to write the year in Japanese easily! How to write the year in Japanese There are several ways to write the year in Japanese. Usually you will find the Indo-Arabic numerals along with the kanji 年,