Free Download Japanese Language Book

Download free 2nd edition of the digital book unraveling the Japanese language

If you are just starting to know the Japanese language and its peculiarities, you may be lost and don't know where to start, you can learn from scratch for free with the digital book unveiling

Hiragana: Full Table


O hiragana é o primeiro alfabeto japonês que aprendemos quando começamos a nos aventurar no idioma da terra do sol nascente. Ele sem dúvida é o mais fácil para aprender e memorizar, sem contar que

Inputting dramas and animes

Dramaboil site

Making input is recommended for those who are studying languages or intend to improve them, and nothing better than watching movies, anime, and doramas to be efficient. For those who intend to start I will list below some sites and a program

Japanese numbers from 1 to 20

Japanese numbers

Easily learn to count numbers in Japanese from 1 to 20. One of the first things that comes to our mind when we are learning a language is undoubtedly learning to count from 1 to 20.