Furigana injector – Add furigana on the web

Furigana injector – Add furigana on the web with this plugin for firefox!

Furigana Injector is a plugin for the internet browser Mozilla Firefox which inserts hiragana characters on the screen, making unfamiliar Japanese symbols easier to read.

Furigana injector - Add furigana on the webIn many cases, we know how to say a word, but we don't remember the Japanese symbol for it.

Furigana injector – Add furigana on the web

When reading texts from websites, we ended up resorting to the rikaichan Japanese dictionary, even though we knew that symbol.

Thinking about this problem, I thought it would be useful to create an article about the Furigana Injector, since with it we can remember the meaning of a Japanese symbol just by reading it.

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But what is a furigana?

For those who don't know, furigana are those little letters written on top of Japanese symbols. They are usually written in hiragana and are intended to make kanji easier to read.

As everyone may already know, a Japanese symbol can have several different readings, depending on the context or other symbol that accompanies it.

That's why furigana is essential for Japanese learners who don't have a good kanji vocabulary.

How to install Furigana Injector

For those who have installed the rikaichan Japanese dictionary, installing the Furigana Injector will be very easy.

You can install Furigana Injector from FireFox by doing a search in the add-ons window (Tools > Add-ons menu).

Another way to install Furigana Injector is to do a search on the Mozilla FireFox add-ons site and install the files from there.

A good tip for anyone using Furigana Injector is to also use the XHTML Ruby plugin. with him the furigana is on top of kanji and the aesthetics of Japanese texts also improve.

How to use Furigana Injector

The basic usage of Furigana Injector is explained once you install the plugin. After installation, the browser opens a page that shows how to use and install XHTML Ruby. But a quick way to use it, is to right click on the page and select the insert furigana option.


In my opinion, the Furigana Injector was one of the best tools I've found to practice Japanese by reading websites. With it, it is much easier to read the Japanese symbols on the pages and learn new words.

Here's some advice… Don't get hung up on furigana. Always prefer to read the kanji without furigana. In this way, we force our mind to remember the Japanese symbols that we have already studied and become independent of the Furigana Injector.

Click here to download and install XHTML Ruby.
Click here to download and install Furigana Injector.

For Chrome you have this option clicking here.

Extension/plugin removed an alternative is Furigana Toggle