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How to add furigana in microsoft word

learn to how to add furigana in Microsoft Word!

Over the last few days, I've noticed some very interesting things about integrating the windows IMEJapanese windows support, and the word processor Microsoft Word.

Until then, I didn't know it was possible to add furigana to texts I write in kanji in Microsoft's word processor.

Steps to add furigana in Microsoft Word

The first thing we need to do is type in text that we want to “furiganize” and then select the typed text. After that go to menu format, select the option Asian layout and click on the option phonetic guide.

Right after that, a dialog box similar to the image below will appear. In it you will find varied options on how to add and format furigana in Microsoft Word texts.

Below is the description of each item in the window above:

The Phonetic Guide dialog box buttons have the following functions:

Once you have added furigana to Microsoft Word and you are satisfied with the result, just click on the Ok button for the changes to take effect. Through this same path, you can add furigana in sentences and paragraphs of your Japanese texts.

Note that when we select a paragraph, Microsoft Word adds a scroll bar beside the ruby text fields.

With that, we can scroll the bar and navigate through all the words of the text that was selected.

In addition to the Phonetic Guide, the Asian Layout menu also lets you add really interesting options to the text we type in Microsoft Word. How about exploring these features and learning a little more?

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