Particles for the end of sentences in Japanese

Learn more about the Particles for the end of sentences in Japanese!

I was studying the completion of Japanese phrases using particles and discovered some very interesting basic particles.

Particles for the end of sentences in Japanese

Despite having similar meanings, these Japanese particles have very particular characteristics.

The Japanese particle SA

the japanese particle sa is can be used to emphasize Japanese phrases. It has a function similar to ne particle and its use is more limited to eastern Japan, mainly in and around Tokyo.


The Japanese ZO Particle

zo is a Japanese particle used only by men in informal or more vulgar conversations. Its function is similar to that of the particle yo, that is, it gives a strong sense of certainty and determination to Japanese phrases.

Be very careful when using this japanese particle. From what I've read about her, zo it should only be used between close friends and people with whom you are absolutely sincere.


The Japanese ZE particle

For me, ze It's a kind of mysterious Japanese particle. Its function seemed identical to particles yo and zo. The only thing I discovered beyond that is that ze is used by younger men.


The Japanese particle NA

This Japanese particle implies the desire to do something that is apparently very difficult to do, among other things.

When I saw this particle, I thought there was a grammatical error, since the negative imperative mood also uses the syllable na at the end of sentences. But it was no mistake, this particle really exists. Yeah, I'm thinking about it too... it's going to be confusing...

I don't know much about this Japanese particle either, but I do know that it is usually used by men.


The Japanese particle WA

Most of the Japanese particles mentioned in this article are used almost exclusively by men. So I was wondering if there was something more appropriate for the female audience. The interesting thing was that I ended up finding the Japanese particle wa. You might be thinking right now: here comes more confusion…

In this case, the Japanese particle wa usually comes at the end of sentences and is a feminine version of particles zo and ze. Despite being a particle used exclusively by women, use by men is also allowed.

The use of the particle wa at the end of sentences is more characteristic of Kansai dialect (Osaka and its surroundings). As shown in the example below, the particle wa what we are talking about is not は, but rather わ.


Kanji calligraphy exercise

Below are the Japanese ideographic symbols used in this article. Selecting the desired kanji, copy and paste them into Worksheet for Kana and Kanji Practice , a new window will open where you can view the printable file and practice Japanese calligraphy by covering the gray symbols and then trying to write yourself. Just print and practice.