The most common words in anime and manga – II

Meet the most common words in anime and manga – II this series of articles!

Continuing the articles about japanese vocabulary, I will present ten more common words in anime and manga.

With these articles, I hope to help Japanese language readers form a basic vocabulary related to anime and manga.

Some initial considerations

All words in this series of articles were chosen at random. Therefore, there is no basis or sequence to read this or future articles on this subject.

Remember that anime and manga have a completely informal language and, in some cases, a stereotype that does not represent the everyday life of Japanese people.

Therefore, some words or expressions may not be well understood or widely used in the real life of our oriental friends.

As I am not an expert in anime and manga, there may be imperfections in the translation or way of using some words.

When that happens, I ask for your help to let me know and correct me when necessary.

Finally, whenever possible, I will add Japanese phrases as examples of the use of commented words.

Furthermore, translations of phrases and words are not necessarily literal. Therefore, there may be differences in Japanese sentences and their respective Portuguese translations.

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The most common words in anime and manga - II

Articles that have already been published

  1. The most common words in anime and manga

The most common words in anime and manga – II

Here's a list of ten more common words in anime and manga.

11. 畜生

Chikushou it is an exclamation that expresses frustration. It is similar to expressions like kuso (shit!) and means damn, damn, shit…

12. ちょっと

When we started to learn Japanese, we learned that chotto means a little, a piece (or portion).

But in the context of anime and manga, chotto can be used as an exclamation having the meaning of enoughstop thisenough!.

13. 大丈夫

Daijoubu it's usually said when something bad happens and an anime character goes to check that the other is okay. So use the word daijoubu, that means it's all rightall rightAre you alright



are you feeling well?


it is it's all right with me.

14. 黙る

damaru usually means stillbe silent. But in anime it is mostly found in its imperative form. damare that means shut upbe silentstay quiet



Hey, shut up!

15. だます

The word damasu means trickdeceive or cheat. In the context of anime and manga, it is also often found in its passive form. damasareru, that means be tricked.



Don't let the appearance trick.

16. だめ

lady means badnot goodit can not be. But another very common way to use dame in anime and manga is by combining lady with desu, creating the expression dame da/dame desu.

This last expression is used to interrupt an action, indicating that it is not a good idea.

17. だれ

As many of you may already know, dare means whosomeone unspecified or somebody. Despite being written in hiragana, in some cases we can also find its version in kanji (誰).

I think it dispenses with other comments besides its combination with other particles, which change its meaning to dareka – somebodyanyonewe will give – nobody and daredemo – everyone.

18. どこ

doko means Where and I believe this word needs no further comment on it.

19. がき

even though gaki to mean young or immature, in anime and manga gaki is often translated as bratkid or useless, gaining an air of cursing.

20. 頑張る

In a literal translation, we can say that ganbaru has the meaning of "do something with persistence or determination“.

It usually expresses a desire to see a character excel at performing a considerably difficult activity. The imperative forms of ganbaru they are ganbatte and ganbar, having very similar meanings.



always study quite! (With a lot of effort)
