The most common words in anime and manga – III

Another article about the most common words in anime and manga - III of this series of posts!

All words in this series of articles were chosen at random. Therefore, there is no basis or sequence to read this or future articles on this subject.

Remember that anime and manga have a completely informal language and, in some cases, a stereotype that does not represent the everyday life of Japanese people.

Therefore, some words or expressions may not be well understood or widely used in the real life of our oriental friends.

As I am not an expert in anime and manga, there may be imperfections in the translation or way of using some words.

When that happens, I ask for your help to let me know and correct me when necessary.

Finally, whenever possible, I will add Japanese phrases as examples of the use of the words commented on. Furthermore, the translations of the phrases and words are not necessarily literal.

As such, there may be differences between Japanese phrases and their respective Portuguese translations.

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The most common words in anime and manga - III

Articles that have already been published

  1. The most common words in anime and manga
  2. The most common words in anime and manga – II

The most common words in anime and manga – III

21. 早い

The word hayaku usually means fasteasyearlybefore time. But in many anime and manga situations, it ends up taking on the meaning of come onfaster and etc.



He talks fast.


hen is often used as an adjective ( 変な ) and has the meaning of strangedifferent or peculiar.

On the other hand, in many anime and manga sentences, when huh is combined with other nouns or extensions, it can take on a different meaning.

henshin is a good example of this, having the meaning of change, or transformation. This was a typical case I encountered in the anime Sailor Moon.



He has a strange name.

23. 変体

I once commented on the word hentai in the article about how to curse in japanese. So I'm going to say a little about her.

What is most curious about the word hentai is the fact that its meaning has changed over time.

From what I originally learned, hentai used to mean change, transformation or metamorphosis. Over time, it changed its meaning to abnormality or not normal.

Today, in colloquial Japanese, hentai has come to mean pervert, pervert, perversion.

24. 酷い

hidoi is a word that can be related to the act of being rude or thick with someone. Despite this, she usually has a sense of cruelty when witnessing something terrible.



He caught a terrible cold.


as the word himeThere's not much to say about it apart from the fact that it means Princess.

26. いい

It's a word associated with satisfaction, which in many cases is very personal. ii has its meaning associated with something Goodgreat.

From what I've learned, ii is a variation of yoi, increasing its amount of meanings to perfect, pleasant and etc.

I believe that the most common expressions of ii they are yoku (adverbial form of ii) and youkatta (form of ii in the past).

When youkatta is exclaimed by a character, it can take on the meaning of I got it!that's great!How nice!



Nice/good person. or He's a nice/good person.


That's very good!


It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

27. 行く

In addition to iku have the meaning of go (verb to go), it has other conjugations that are quite common in anime and manga.

They are ikimashou (mashou form of Japanese verbs in the formal mode) and ikou (mashou form in informal mode) meaning we willlike (go and ikenasai (get out!) what they mean goget out.



She's going to see a movie./She went to the movies.


Let's go by car.


Go to school.


Inochi means life in the sense of being alive or living, but in anime and manga it is used in generally dramatic phrases.



As long as there is life, there is hope.


His life is dangerous. He lives dangerously.

29. 痛い

In the article about the parts of the body in Japanese, I talked a little about the word itai, which is used to say where it hurts.

Like itai does not have a literal translation, it must be interpreted and take on a meaning according to the context. What helps a lot is that itai always refers to physical pain.



My head hurts. I have a headache.

30. 地獄

in the word jigoku there is nothing special about it. Its most common meaning is hellhades or place of punishment and suffering.



Heaven or hell.


This place has become hell on earth.


Well folks, that's it for now. In the next article we'll talk about ten more common words in anime and manga.