The most common words in anime and manga – VI

Check out another post about the most common words in anime and manga – VI from this series!

All words in this series of articles were chosen at random.

Therefore, there is no basis or sequence to read this or future articles on this subject.

Remember that anime and manga have a completely informal language and, in some cases, a stereotype that does not represent the everyday life of Japanese people.

Therefore, some words or expressions may not be well understood or widely used in the real life of our oriental friends.

As I am not an expert in anime and manga, there may be imperfections in the translation or way of using some words.

When that happens, I ask for your help to let me know and correct me when necessary.

Finally, whenever possible, I will add Japanese phrases with examples of the use of commented words.

Furthermore, translations of phrases and words are not necessarily literal. Therefore, there may be differences in Japanese sentences and their respective Portuguese translations.

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The most common words in anime and manga - VI

Articles that have already been published

  1. The most common words in anime and manga
  2. The most common words in anime and manga – II
  3. The most common words in anime and manga – III
  4. The most common words in anime and manga – IV
  5. The most common words in anime and manga – IV

The most common words in anime and manga – VI

As in the previous article, I'm testing using furigana instead of reading hints using romaji. Furigana is added to the site using the Megane hiragana. Click on the link below to view this article with furigana.

See this article with furigana. (Type the phrase and see in hiragana)

51. もう

もう is a Japanese word meaning already or right now. Despite this, in most of the phrases that I had contact with, this word conveys an idea of frustration, allowing translations such as for (came across), quite or enough.



It's already dark.


It's already nine o'clock. Is not?


That word was interesting. I have always associated it with a translation of daughter in Japanese, but over time I found the meaning of young girl. words like 小娘 seemed pretty weird to me, but now I understand it's something like little girl.



This is my daughter.


仲 is a word that is always linked to relationships, be they friendship, love or any other. The cool thing about 仲 is that you can combine it with other Japanese symbols to form other words like 仲良くする, that means Be friendsstay friends or make up and 仲間 that means close friends or confidants.



He works at the company with me.


 is an interrogative pronoun well known to students of Japanese. By meaning "what?”,  is used a lot for asking questions in Japanese.



What is this?

55. 成程

The word 成程 it is quite common and there is no additional comment worth mentioning. At least not that I know of. Its most common meanings are I saw, I know, right, just that, just like that, really, indeed, without a doubt.



No doubt he is young, but he is prudent.

56. 逃げる

The word 逃げる means to run away or run. Despite this, it is mostly used in the imperative form forming verbs such as 逃げて and 逃げろ, which mean run or run away.



Run/Run and hide in the mountains.


You must not run away from reality.

57. 人間

人間 means humanhumanity. Its use is more common when referring to the human species, especially when it comes into conflict with other species such as aliens, demons, elves...



He's human.

58. おはよう

When I thought of using おはよう in this series of articles, I figured it would be an unnecessary mention since most Japanese readers and students know this word. But thinking about who is starting, I decided to mention it.



Good morning to everyone.

おはよう means Good Morning in abbreviated or informal form. In the formal mode, it is more common to find おはようございます. Another interesting behavior from おはようis its form using kanji ( お早う, or お早うございます ), which is much rarer to find.

59. 怒る

怒る means get hungry or get angry. There is nothing interesting about this word other than its alternative reading. いかる. For some people, hunger is always synonymous with anger. 🙂



He gets irritated easily.

60. お願い

This is one of the most well-known words used by students of Japanese. It is the abbreviated form of お願いします and usually it means please, but in many situations お願い can take on a meaning of despair and be translated as I beg youhave the goodness of… If we remove the prefix お, it just means desire, desire, request


魚をお願いします。 (When placing an order)

Fish please.

I hope you enjoyed this post and more. Until the next article.
