Want to learn Japanese hiragana and katakana alphabet? This page is intended to serve as a study guide for the Japanese alphabet.

Here you will find links to all lessons, covering how to write and read all Japanese letters and families of hiragana and katakana alphabets. Follow the links below, step-by-step, and do all the exercises to easily learn all the letters of the Japanese alphabet.
Before starting to study the Japanese alphabet.
If you have not yet read the introductory articles on hiragana and katakana, it is strongly suggested that you quickly read the articles below before starting to study Japanese alphabets.
Their aim is to give you a better understanding of the Japanese alphabet, its origins, and an overview of everything we're going to learn in this study guide. After finishing the articles below, you will be able to start the free Japanese course from this site.
Japanese Hiragana and Katakana Alphabet – Study Guide
- The Origin of the Japanese Alphabet
- Introduction to the Japanese alphabet of hiragana, katakana and kanji
- The Hiragana and Katakana Japanese Alphabet Letters
- How to use Japanese alphabet
the hiragana japanese alphabet
- The vowels of the Japanese hiragana alphabet
- The hiragana K family
- The hiragana S family
- The hiragana T family
- The hiragana N family
- The hiragana H family
- The hiragana M family
- The hiragana Y family
- The hiragana R family
- The hiragana family W and the consonant N
- The accent in hiragana
- The double kanas in hiragana
- The double consonants in hiragana
- The extensions of vowels in hiragana
- Download full hiragana table
the katakana japanese alphabet
- The vowels of the Japanese alphabet in katakana
- The katakana K family
- The katakana S family
- The katakana T family
- The family of katakana N
- The katakana H family
- The katakana M family
- The katakana Y family
- The katakana family R
- The katakana family W and the consonant N
- The katakana accents
- The double kanas in katakana
- The double consonants in katakana
- The vowel extensions in katakana
- The modern Japanese alphabet and the katakana
- Download full katakana table